Our Mission
To broaden the base of state residents who help Eastern Bluebirds and native cavity nesters by erecting, maintaining and monitoring nest boxes.
Our Vision
To ensure that the state's Eastern Bluebird and other native cavity nesters populations remain strong and stable.
BRAW members are encouraged to follow North American Bluebird Society (NABS) Code of Ethics encourages birders to protect wildlife, the natural environment, and the rights of others through a set of guidelines. Recent debates over posting rare bird locations, baiting, and the general question of harassment caused NABS to update these guidelines and address those concerns.

Our History
When BRAW was organized in 1986, it was estimated that the Eastern Bluebird population in its historic range had declined by 90% during the preceding 50 years due to changes in agriculture practices, competition from the House (English) Sparrow and European Starling, severe weather in its central and southern winter range, and the loss of nest sites, such as tree cavities and hollow wooden fence posts.
BRAW works to bring to light the efforts of Wisconsin citizens who had been helping bluebirds in the past and those who have recently joined their ranks. Since 1994, BRAW has entered monitors’ data into a computer data base and as a result, through computer analysis of the data, it has gained great insights into the complexities of how management practices and box design affect bluebird population dynamics.
Through workshops, the Annual Membership meeting, and through publication of research findings in the Wisconsin Bluebird newsletter, BRAW shares successful birding techniques while hopefully avoiding some of the mistakes painfully learned by earlier bluebird enthusiasts.
BRAW seeks to expand public knowledge and enthusiasm for the Eastern Bluebird so that a growing number of people will have the desire to aid cavity nesters and have the knowledge about how to best accomplish this in their own communities.