Become a Bluebird Advocate!
Whether you’re a novice or an expert, we’ll guide you in attracting bluebirds to your yard or starting a trail.
Join us to learn how!

What Are The Benefits for A BRAW Member?
As a member, you receive a quarterly newsletter, Wisconsin Bluebird, to share in its pages both success and failure stories by its members and other authors working to increase local bluebird populations.
One of the most exciting and rewarding experience of being a member is to take care of a Bluebird Trail. Our BRAW members and this site are here to help you succeed.
Unlock the Bluebird Experience: Discover What A BRAW Membership Offers
Recognizing Bluebird Habitat:
Understand the signs of suitable bluebird environments.
Identify open spaces, meadows, and edges near woodlands.
Nest Box Construction and Placement:
Build and position nest boxes correctly.
Provide safe, elevated locations away from predators.
Bluebird Defense Strategies:
Shield bluebirds from threats like invasive species.
Employ predator guards and monitor nest sites.
Trail Monitoring Techniques:
Regularly check nest boxes for activity.
Record observations and address any issues.
Handling Nest Failures:
Recognize failed nests and take appropriate action.
Learn from setbacks to improve conservation efforts.
Best Practices from BRAW:
Embrace our association’s proven methods.
Collaborate with fellow bluebird enthusiasts!
County Contacts Network:
Connect statewide:
Reach out to local experts who assist residents with bluebird challenges.
Guidance and support:
Tap into their knowledge for effective conservation efforts.
Diverse Nesting Species:
Beyond bluebirds:
Explore the impact of other bird species using bluebird houses.
Ecological context:
Understand their role in the ecosystem.
Bluebird Attraction Strategies:
Yard or trail:
Create inviting spaces for bluebirds.
Habitat enhancement:
Plant native vegetation and provide suitable nest sites.
Population Monitoring:
Annual trends:
Contribute by recording and reporting bluebird populations.
Data-driven conservation:
Help shape informed decisions.
Best Practices from BRAW:
Embrace our association’s proven methods.
Collaborate with fellow bluebird enthusiasts!
Community Gatherings:
Spring and autumn:
Attend BRAW's Convention, including seminars and friendly meetings with fellow enthusiasts.
Shared passion:
Bond with friends and families over bluebird conservation
What Is Tax Deductible?
The Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin (BRAW) is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
While your membership is not tax deductible, donations and other financial support to BRAW, Inc. qualify as a tax-deductible charity to the extent allowed by the law.
Our Federal Tax-Exempt ID Number is: 52-1542503