Payment Options
Choose from two convenient methods to pay for memberships: by mail-in form or online.
Payment Option
Please mail completed mail-in form and check to:
Valerie Van Winkle
BRAW Membership Coordinator
PO Box 628492
Middleton, WI 53562
Payment Option
Use PayPal or credit card to buy or renew a membership.
PayPal is very secure.
Your online payment is handled by PayPal or your Credit Card Company.
Online Membership Fee Payment Form
Please note:
If you are purchasing more than one membership, please complete each purchase separately.
Payment Instructions
Now that your membership form has been submitted CLICK on black arrow and select desired membership from drop-down menu.
Pressing Add to Cart button opens the PayPal Check-out screen.
Select how you want to pay using PayPal or a credit card.
An example of the PayPal Check out screen that appears is shown below.
Press PayPal button o pay via PayPal
Click grey Check Out button to pay using your Credit Card
Contributing to BRAW through donations at helps support bluebird research, maintain nest boxes, replace box hardware, and further our education and conservation efforts.
Your generosity directly impacts Wisconsin’s bluebirds and their habitats.