Nest Boxes
BRAW Recommended Nest Boxes
Below are nest box building plans the two most productive nest boxes recorded by BRAW. Building a bluebird nest box is a fun and rewarding family activity. Best of all is the collective enjoyment gained watching bluebirds move in and seeing their fledglings.
Other Nest Box Possibilities
Simple Nest Box
The Lafayette County Bluebird Society (LCBS) offers another nest box alternative for those wanting to build a nest box.
The simple nest box plan is available here.
Where is Pope Farm?
Which Box To Use?
BRAW recommends using nest boxes that have proven to be highly attractive to bluebirds.
These boxes are either:
4-5” from bottom of hole to nesting platform
4” x 4” nesting platforms, have oval openings (1 3/8” x 2 ¼”), and...are unvented (vents can be opened after June 1 in areas where black flies are not prevalent).
Any box meeting specifications above is recommended by BRAW.
Nest Box Resources
Hole Guards & Reducers
Nest and Egg Identification
Monitoring A Trail
One of the most exciting and rewarding experience of being a member is to take care of a Bluebird Trail.
BRAW director, Gene Kroupa, on a trail ensuring this nest box is secure. Frequent checking is key to protecting bluebirds.
BRAW member, Susie Sample, checking the status of this box, and assessing bluebird activity within.
This solitary nest box is located in one of the prairie restoration areas of within the Pope Farm Conservancy in Middleton.